
Talk about the weather

Today was one of these days that starts out warm. It's almost July, so you automatically put on a short-sleeve shirt. And then, by the end of the day, it's cold outside, so cold you look around your desk and wonder if you can make a jacket out of printer paper. Something, anything, to cover your arms while you walk to the El, wait for the El, and walk home.

But maybe most people aren't as sensitive to cold as I am. Guys (and some girls) at least have hairy arms, which I really believe provides at least a little defense. Or maybe a kind of psychic shield: "It's cold out here, but mmm, I'm warm and furry."

It's not like I'm asking a lot from Chicago. I'll take the winters with a minimum of garden variety complaining. All I'm asking is that, during the summer, the daytime temperature stays between 70 and 90 degrees. Am I being unrealistic?

Apparently, I am.

Anyway, I've been trying to write this big, blowout blog on our fabu Pacific vacation, but it's not looking like that's ever going to come together. Instead, I've decided to focus on specific, attainable goals. So stay tuned for a series of bite-sized posts on things we did on our summer vacation.

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